NHS Designs


Graphic Design Adobe Photoshop

Chapter 03 Skills Review:
Making Selections


A) Make a selection using shapes

  1. Open PS 3-7.psd from the drive and folder where you store your Data Files, substitute any missing fonts, then save it as All Cats.
  2. Open PS 3-8.tif.
  3. Display the rulers in each image window (if necessary).
  4. Use the Rectangular Marquee Tool to select the entire image in PS 3-8.tif. (Hint: Reset the Feather setting to 0 pixels, if necessary.)
  5. Deselect the selection.
  6. Use the Magnetic Lasso Tool to create a selection surrounding only the Block cat in the image. (Hint: You can use the Zoom Tool to make the image larger.)
  7. Drag the selection into the All Cats image, positioning it so the right side of the cat is at 490 X, and the bottom of the right paw is at 450 Y.
  8. Rename the new layer "Block cat".
  9. Save your work.
  10. Close PS 3-8.tif without saving any changes.

B) Modify a marquee

  1. Open PS 3-9.tif.
  2. Change the settings on the Magic Wand Tool to Tolerance = 5, and make sure that the Contiguous check box is selected.
  3. Switch to the ellitical marquee tool. Create an elliptical marquee from 100 X/50 Y to 200 X/100 Y, using a setting of 0 in the Feather text box.
  4. Use the Grow command on the Select menu.
  5. Use the Inverse command on the Select menu.
  6. Drag the selection into the All Cats image, positioning it so the upper-left corner of the selection is near 0 X/0 Y.
  7. Defringe the new layer using a width of 2 pixels.
  8. Rename the new layer "Calico cat".
  9. Save your work.
  10. Close PS 3-9.tif without saving any changes.

C) Select using color and modify a selection

  1. Open PS 3-10.tif.
  2. Use the Color Range dialog box to select only the kitten.
  3. Drag the selection into the All Cats image.
  4. Flip the kitten image (in the All Cats image) horizontally (HINT: Edit > Transform...).
  5. Position the kitten image so the bottom right snaps to the ruler guides at 230 X/450 Y.
  6. Defringe the kitten using a width of 2 pixels.
  7. Rename the new layer "Kitten".
  8. Save your work.
  9. Close PS 3-10.tif without saving any changes.

D) Add a vignette effect to a selection

  1. Select the "Backdrop" layer and the Elliptical Marquee tool. Use a 15-pixel feather setting to create an elliptical selection surrounding the contents of the All Cats image.
  2. Add a layer mask that reveals the selection (Layer > Layer Mask > Reveal Selection).
  3. Hide the rulers.
  4. Save your work.
  5. Compare your image to the one below

chapter 03 review


Source: "Adobe Photoshop CS3 Revealed" by Elizabeth Eisner Reding

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